Event Details:

Stanford Neurosciences Institute Seminar Series Presents
Exploring the brain's navigation system with high-resolution imaging and virtual reality
Daniel Dombeck, Ph.D
Assistant Professor, Northwestern University
Host: Caitlin Mallory
I will discuss techniques that allow us to perform cellular and subcellular resolution imaging of neuronal activity in mice navigating in virtual reality environments and recent results from imaging place cells and grid cells. I will describe activity paHerns that we have observed in hippocampal place cell dendrites and the implications for how associative Hebbian learning may take place during behavior. I will also describe the functional micro-organization of grid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex and what the organization might tell us about the circuits that generate grid cell firing patterns.
More Info
A conversation with Daniel Dombeck and the Stanford group NeuWrite West can be streamed or downloaded: Dombeck Conversation