Neurosciences Seminar Series

Bold font on a light grey background that says "Neurosciences Seminar Series, 2024- 2025". Below the title is "Thursdays, 12-1pm, "Gunn Rotunda, ChEM-H/Neuro". In the top right corner is a large version of the Wu Tsai Neuro logo, a single-swirly-lined image of a brain with a teal-purple-red gradient.
Emily Elrod

Wu Tsai Neuro sponsors weekly seminars with leading scientists from across the globe, presenting cutting-edge research across the neurosciences.


Our Neurosciences Seminar Series brings together the diverse Stanford neuroscience community to explore a wide range of topics, from molecular and cellular neuroscience to cognitive and computational approaches. Whether your interest lies in neural circuits, brain imaging, sensory processing, or beyond, there’s something for everyone. These seminars provide a platform for researchers at all career levels to engage with cross-disciplinary research, fostering collaboration among our community and enriching our understanding of the brain and nervous system.

Thank you to our community members for nominating and hosting our seminar speakers, and to the Seminar Series Committee for making it all happen. 


Join us for the 2024-2025 Seminar Series

Our seminars are held on Thursdays at 12:00 noon (unless stated otherwise) in the John A. and Cynthia Fry Gunn Rotunda (E241) at the Stanford Neurosciences Building (ChEM-H/Neuro, 290 Jane Stanford Way). Be part of the conversation with leading experts in neuroscience.

Get Involved with the Seminar Series

Sign up for Speaker Meetups

Engagement with our seminar speakers extends beyond the lecture. On seminar days, invited speakers will:

  • Meet one-on-one with faculty members

  • Have lunch with a small group of trainees

  • Enjoy dinner with a small group of faculty and the speaker’s host

If you’re a Stanford faculty member or trainee interested in participating in these Speaker Meetup opportunities, click the button below to express your interest. Depending on availability, you may be invited to join the speaker for one of these enriching experiences.

Speaker Meetups Interest Form


Hosting and Nominating Speakers

Speakers are nominated by our community and selected based on various criteria, including the number of nominations, their potential for broad appeal, representation of diverse research areas, and alignment with our commitment to diversity. Wu Tsai Neuro is dedicated to featuring speakers who bring a wide range of perspectives and scientific expertise. We particularly encourage nominations of speakers from historically marginalized groups in science. All faculty career stages are considered in the selection process.

Once seminar speakers are selected, the Seminar Series Committee identifies a host for each speaker from the list of nominators. Hosting is an excellent opportunity to build connections with invited speakers and Stanford faculty and trainees while gaining valuable professional experience.

Learn more about speaker nomination and hosting


Stanford Research Park Satellites

Bringing Neuroscience Closer to You

Thanks to feedback from our community, we’re excited to introduce satellite viewing locations within Stanford Research Park. These convenient locations allow affiliates farther from campus to attend our seminar series via livestream in dedicated conference rooms.


What Are Satellite Locations?

Our seminar series is generally presented in person only to maintain a focus on community-building and fostering connections among attendees. However, we understand that not everyone can attend seminars in person.

To address this, satellite locations provide convenient access to our seminars for affiliates located farther away. These community-organized spaces host livestreams of the seminar in Zoom-connected conference rooms.

By joining or creating a satellite, you’ll help your colleagues engage with cutting-edge neuroscience discussions while fostering a sense of local connection within Stanford Research Park.


How to Start a Satellite in Your Building

Satellite locations are organized independently through grassroots efforts, relying on attendee interest and support to run smoothly. Here's how to get one started:

  1. Reserve a room
    1. Book a Zoom-connected room in your building for the livestream to take place. You may wish to coordinate this with a building administrator.
  2. Send us the details
    1. Once the room booking has been secured, email the following details to
      1. Room details (e.g. building, room number)
      2. Contact person responsible for weekly setup
        1. Will this person be present for any duration of the seminar, or just available to set up?
      3. Any additional details (e.g., parking availability, directions to the room, room capacity).
  3. Help spread the word
    1. Once your satellite is set up, it will be included in seminar series reminders sent to our mailing list
    2. Share this flyer with colleagues to help promote attendance:  


Please note: Wu Tsai Neuro staff are not responsible for room bookings, event staffing, or Stanford Research Park-specific promotions outside of our general seminar promotions.


Current Satellites:

SRP locations generally have ample parking and a building concierge that can grant access to the building.

AddressRoom NumberContact(s)
3172 Porter Drive253Megan Wyeth
3174 Porter Drive140Daniel Fregoso
1070 Arastradero Road211Chia-Yu Cardell, Francisco Barajas



Explore Our Past Seminar Series

Dive into our past seminars to explore the wealth of knowledge shared by leading scientists over the years.

2023-2024 seminars2022-2023 Seminars

2021-2022 Seminars2020-2021 Seminars

2019-2020 Seminars2018-2019 Seminars

2017-2018 Seminars2016-2017 Seminars

2015-2016 Seminars2014-2015 Seminars

2013-2014 Seminars