Neurosciences Seminar Series

Wu Tsai Neuro sponsors weekly seminars with leading scientists from across the globe presenting topics spanning the neurosciences arena.

Collage of neurosciences seminar guest speakers

Presented research includes cutting edge basic neurobiology, imaging, neuro-engineering, computational approaches, theory, translational neuroscience, and human neuroscience.

Seminars are held on Thursdays at 12:00 noon in the John A. and Cynthia Fry Gunn Rotunda at the Stanford Neurosciences Building (290 Jane Stanford Way).

The Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute thanks the Seminar Series Committee for making it all happen.

Questions? Contact Emily Elrod, Wu Tsai Neuro Programs Associate, eelrod at

View 2023-2024 seminars


Nominate speakers for our 2024-25 Seminar Series

Speaker nominations open each Fall quarter. Sign up for our mailing lists to be notified of when nominations are live.

Trainee lunches with seminar speakers

Are you a Stanford trainee interested in meeting one of the upcoming speakers? You can sign up to have lunch with them.

Each week, up to 8 graduate students and postdocs are invited to enjoy a lunch with the speaker after the seminar. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the speaker's research and career in a more intimate setting. 

Sign up for Spring 2024 lunches here

Speaker selection and nomination process

Our weekly seminars provide a place where our diverse neurosciences community can regularly come together to hear about new discoveries, techniques, and ideas.

Speakers in our seminar series are nominated by our community and are selected based on a variety of criteria, including number of nominations, potential for broad appeal, representation of a wide variety of research areas, the diversity of researchers in neuroscience and the recent history of speakers at Stanford. 

Wu Tsai Neuro is dedicated to creating a seminar series with speakers who can share a broad array of perspectives and scientific expertise with our community. We encourage nominations of speakers from historically marginalized groups in science. Speakers from all faculty career stages will be considered.

There are opportunities for graduate students to have lunch with the speaker, and for faculty to meet with and/or attend dinner with the speaker.

Learn more about speaker nomination

Past Seminar Series