Interested parties of all experience levels are welcome to contact us regarding potential projects in the lab.
Laboratory personnel will work with you to assess the goals, feasibility, logistics, design and analysis requirements of your project. We will provide on-boarding training sessions to help you and your research staff get started.
Facility rates effective September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025:
EEG: Peak hours (Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm) $ 56 / hour; Off-peak: $ 42 / hour
TMS: Peak hours (Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm) $ 72 / hour; Off-peak: $ 54 / hour
Participant desensitization and behavioral testing: $ 31 / hour (flat rate after 1 hr. elapsed)
Koret staff (extra training, consultation, etc.): $ 99 / hour
Please email us with a brief message describing the a priori hypothesis, goals, methods, and rationale for your proposed project. We look forward to working with you!