Event Details:

University of California, San Francisco
Abstract: Communication systems rely on upon defined organizational schemes for signal generation and sensing. In humans, the production and perception of speech is processed by highly specialized neuroanatomical areas and processes. We have recently identified important phonetic-level features for vocal tract control during articulation in the speech motor cortex, and for speech sounds in the higher order non-primary auditory cortex. I will discuss important similarities and differences in these representational systems with respect to feature organization and dynamics. I will also present related work on auditory-vocal (sensorimotor) integration and transformation in speech. The collective findings serve as a new foundation for addressing outstanding questions in the neurobiology of human speech.
Everyone is welcome to attend (students, postdocs, faculty, staff). There will be plenty of time for Q&A and interaction. Dinner will be provided at 6:30pm. The seminar will be held in Sloan Hall, Math Bldg 380, Room 380-C, lower level courtyard side, followed by dinner in the courtyard outside of Jordan Hall, Bldg 420, Room 050.
RSVP to lehope@stanford.edu by Tuesday, May 26, if you plan to attend dinner.