Event Details:

Join the speaker for coffee, cookies, and conversation before the talk, starting at 11:45am.
Coordinated development of inhibitory and excitatory networks
During neonatal development, sensory cortices generate spontaneous activity patterns shaped by both sensory experience and intrinsic influences. How these patterns contribute to the assembly of neuronal circuits is not clearly understood. Using in vivo calcium imaging in young mouse pups, we show that spatially segregated assemblies of interneuron and pyramidal cells are already active at neonatal stages in the somatosensory cortex. In this talk, I will cover recent work from my lab indicating that GABAergic inputs and L-type calcium channels shape network patterns that balance the number of interneurons and pyramidal cells during a critical window of development. In addition, I will discuss how imaging approaches including longitudinal 2-photon and widefield calcium imaging can be used to study the link between genetic predispositions for neurodevelopmental disorders and their impact on early network dynamics, and functional connectivity.
Natalia de Marco García, Ph.D.
Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute, Cornell University
Bio coming soon.
Hosted by - Lu Chen (Lu Chen Lab)
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About the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Seminar Series
The Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute seminar series brings together the Stanford neuroscience community to discuss cutting-edge, cross-disciplinary brain research, from biochemistry to behavior and beyond.
Topics include new discoveries in fundamental neurobiology; advances in human and translational neuroscience; insights from computational and theoretical neuroscience; and the development of novel research technologies and neuro-engineering breakthroughs.
Unless otherwise noted, seminars are held Thursdays at 12:00 noon PT.
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