Event Details:

Stanford Neurosciences Institute Seminar Series Presents
Sculpting Neuronal Connections: The Logic and Mechanisms of Axon Growth and Pruning Marc Tessier-Lavigne, Ph.D President of Rockefeller University and Carson Family Professor
Host: Xuecai Ge
Neuronal axons navigate over long distances along specified pathways to find appropriate targets, guided by attractants and repellents acting in coordinate fashion. Axons also branch to connect to multiple targets, and many branches are later pruned to sculpt a final pattern of connections. This presentation will describe progress in deciphering axon growth and guidance mechanisms, including how axons switch responsiveness to guidance cues at intermediate targets from attraction to repulsion. It will also focus on recent advances in elucidating pruning mechanisms during development and in adult plasticity, with implications for neurodegenerative disease.