Faculty Women’s Forum celebrates 2022 award winners
The Faculty Women’s Forum presented its 2022 awards at a ceremony Monday afternoon. These awards honor individuals for their outstanding work supporting women at Stanford through role modeling, allyship, leadership, and sponsorship.
The forum, which is affiliated with the Office of Faculty Development, Diversity and Engagement, provides opportunities for faculty members to discuss shared interests, concerns, and ideas, and to engage in action promoting greater faculty equity, inclusion, and success. Its programs are open to all faculty members, regardless of gender identity.
“We received a record number of outstanding nominations for this year’s awards,” said Maureen McNichols, the Marriner S. Eccles Professor in Public and Private Management at the Graduate School of Business and co-chair of the forum’s steering committee. “It is encouraging to know that so many members of the Stanford University community are committed to promoting greater faculty equity, inclusion, and success.”
Paula Welander, associate professor of Earth system science and steering committee co-chair, noted that this is the first time since the awards were created in 2020 that the ceremony honoring recipients was held in person. She added, “One aim of the Faculty Women’s Forum is to help foster a sense of community. We are pleased this year to organize an event that celebrates and brings together so many inspiring individuals.