Event Details:

Join the speaker for coffee, cookies, and conversation before the talk, starting at 11:45am.
Hippocampal place cell coding of non-spatial information
The hippocampus is a key brain network for episodic memory. Place cells are neurons in the hippocampus that fire in specific spatial locations known as place fields. This spatially selective firing is thought to code the “where” component of episodic memory. Yet, episodic memories contain nonspatial information also. This talk will present new insights about how different populations of hippocampal place cells respond to nonspatial aspects of an experience, such as social stimuli or motivational context. The results may help explain how the hippocampus integrates multimodal stimuli into a coherent episodic memory.
This seminar is co-presented by the Psychiatry Grand Rounds | Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Laura Colgin, Ph.D.
Professor, Director, Center for Learning and Memory
Department of Neuroscience
The University of Texas at Austin
Hosted by - Danielle Simmons, Ph.D. (Longo Lab)
About the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Seminar Series
The Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute seminar series brings together the Stanford neuroscience community to discuss cutting-edge, cross-disciplinary brain research, from biochemistry to behavior and beyond.
Topics include new discoveries in fundamental neurobiology; advances in human and translational neuroscience; insights from computational and theoretical neuroscience; and the development of novel research technologies and neuro-engineering breakthroughs.
Unless otherwise noted, seminars are held Thursdays at 12:00 noon PT.
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