Event Details:

The graduate training program of the Center for Mind Brain and Computation (described in full here) seeks to foster the integration of computational, quantitative, and theoretical approaches into neuroscience research at all levels of analysis. For the 2014-2015 academic year, MBC invites students enrolled in a PhD Program at Stanford to apply to the program to become trainees.
The discussion on Wendnesday, May 14, led by Jay McClelland and Surya Ganguli, is intended as an opportunity for prospective trainees to learn more about the details of the program, and for existing and prospective trainees to contribute to shaping plans for the future of the program as it will be proposed in the NRT program submission.
If you would like to attend RSVP to Laura Hope at lehope@stanford.edu
Lunch will be provided for those who RSVP by Mon, May 12.