Event Details:

Darcy Peterka, PhD
Senior Scientist and Director of Cellular Imaging in the Zuckerman
Mind Brain Behavior Institute and Director of Technologies,
NeuroTechnology Center,
Columbia University
Host: Jun Ding
Recording neuronal activity throughout the brain with high temporal and spatial resolution may be a critical step in understanding how the brain works. Task-based approaches allow intelligent trade-offs between resolution, speed, and signal. I will describe projective two-photon imaging methods that leverage the spatiotemperal sparseness of neural activity and use holographic multiplexing, and statistical source separation create capable platforms for high-performance imaging with single cell resolution. Similar holographic platforms can also be used to activate ensembles of neurons with single cell precision, and I will describe recent efforts to improve targeting and control in awake behaving animals
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[1] Weijian Yang, Luis Carrillo-Reid, Yuki Bando, Darcy S Peterka, & Rafael Yuste. Simultaneous two-photon imaging and two-photon optogenetics of cortical circuits in three dimensions. eLife 2018. 7: e32671. doi:10.7554/eLife.32671.001
[2] WeijianYang, Jae-eun, Kang Miller, Luis Carrillo-Reid, Eftychios Pnevmatikakis, Liam Paninski, Rafael Yuste, Darcy S.Peterka. Simultaneous Multi-plane Imaging of Neural Circuits. Neuron. 2016 Jan 20;89(2):269-84. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2015.12.012