Event Details:

Active vision and vision for action
Dr. Kerschensteiner will discuss work on the neural circuits and specializations (ranging from subcellular to regional) in the visual system that guide two survival behaviors in mice: predator evasion and predation. He will also describe how the visual system uses the gaze and the pupil, two components of active vision, to shape its own input and enhance acuity, in part to support predation.
Daniel Kerschensteiner
Washington University
Dr. Kerschensteiner obtained his MD from the Georg-August University and Max-Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine in Göttingen, Germany, where he studied the biophysics of ion channels. After a residency in Neurology and a short postdoc with his MD thesis mentor, Martin Stocker, at University College London, he moved to the United States (2005) for a postdoc with Rachel Wong at the University of Washington in Seattle. In Rachel's lab, he studied activity-dependent mechanisms of circuit development in the retina and how patterned spontaneous activity generated by the developing retina (i.e., retinal waves) sculpt downstream wiring. In 2009, he started my lab at Washington University School of Medicine. His group works on diverse projects to understand, preserve, and restore vision. He is the Janet & Bernard Becker Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Neuroscience, and Biomedical Engineering, Vice Chair for the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Research, and Co-Director of the Neuroscience PhD program at Washington University.
About the Wu Tsai Neuro MBCT Seminar Series
The Stanford Center for Mind, Brain, Computation and Technology Seminars (MBCT) explores ways in which computational and technical approaches are being used to advance the frontiers of neuroscience. It features speakers from other institutions, Stanford faculty and senior training program trainees.
The MBCT Seminar Series is only offered in person.