Sangsin (Sin) Lee
Sangsin (Sin) Lee is a postdoctoral scholar in Professor Alice Ting's lab at the Department of Genetics, Stanford Medicine. Previously, his doctoral study at Rice University under Professor Jerzy Szablowski focused on engineering synthetic markers for non-invasive measurement of gene expression and neuronal activities in the brain using blood tests. Now at Stanford, Sin aims to continue developing innovative tools that can help better understand the mechanisms underlying brain functions. Specifically, he is developing an unbiased method to capture the molecular components within neurons that mediate memory consolidation and gain new insights into the brain's role in driving synaptic plasticity, adaptive behavior, and cognitive enhancement. Sin has long been a fan of Steve Jobs, Stephen Hawking, Jordan Peterson, Christopher Nolan, and Matt Bellamy from MUSE. He also enjoys trying cuisines from different countries and wishes that he would have preferred to be born in the 30th century rather than the 20th century.