Arielle Keller
I am a Neurosciences PhD student and NDSEG fellow working with Dr. Leanne Williams and Dr. Kalanit Grill-Spector. My research focuses on understanding how our brains allocate attention to help us reach our goals and how these processes can become impaired in individuals experiencing mental illness. Toward this goal I use a variety of methods including functional magnetic resonance imaging, electro-encephalography, clinical reports, human genetics, and computational analysis techniques. Previously, I studied multisensory attention with Dr. Robert Sekuler and earned my co-terminal M.S. in Neuroscience and B.S. in Neuroscience and Psychology from Brandeis University. I am also passionate about science communication, outreach, and teaching, and serve on the leadership teams of NeuWrite West and Stanford Science Penpals. I plan to continue broadening my research and communication skills at the intersection of computational, cognitive, and clinical neuroscience.