Grace Adebogun
Grace Adebogun (‘24) is a freshman hoping to major in human biology with a concentration in the brain and behavior. Her passion for neuroscience stems not only from the experiences she’s had volunteering with patients with neurological disabilities but also from the time she spent learning about the brain and psychology in high school. In the future, she aspires to become a pediatric neurologist and she plans to utilize the knowledge she gains through her education to make neuroscience and neurology more accessible to those from underrepresented communities. As a NeURO fellow studying dyslexia within the Brain Development & Education Lab, she hopes to learn more about the developmental differences in the brains of children that can lead to certain neurological disabilities. Outside of neuroscience, Grace is interested in creative writing, education, and youth development. In her free time, she enjoys reading sci-fi fantasy novels, writing short stories, listening to neo soul music, and spending time with friends and family.