Jacob Chaudhry
Hi! My name is Jacob Chaudhry, I am finishing my time at Mission College where I will soon find myself at UC Santa Cruz pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Neuroscience. Through the research of Stanford's Science Small Groups I have found a deep connection with the electrical presence within the human body on a cellular and synaptic level which has led me to interests in cancer morphology, wound healing, and Eastern yoga and meditation traditions.
My interests lies in the complexity of bioelecricity within cells and bigger tissues that may or may not hold some mechanism of memory for the body to heal and adapt morphologically. Understanding how molecular and cellular levels organize for optimal performance and function is a newfound motivation for why I an intrigued in the dimensional overlap between chemistry, biology, and electromagnetics. Furthermore, my experience in the lab can be further exercised; not that I am incapable, rather I am more than capable and I would like to express that joy in such an environment like the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute.
Outside of the lab, I am an avid hiker in the Santa Cruz and Milpitas mountains and President of Mission College's Public Speaking Club: Missionanigans.
Faculty Mentor: Anthony Ricci