Rafael Vasquez Jr.
Hello everyone, I’m a proud first generation Mexican American college student at De Anza College studying Chemical Biology! At De Anza, I'm an in-class and drop-in tutor for the Math Performance Success (MPS) Program, providing extra math support for those in need, and I'm an officer for the Chemistry Fusion Society club, bringing together a community of those with an interest in chemistry. Some of my interests and hobbies include sports, music production, and of course, chemistry. In the long run, my ultimate dream is to apply our understanding of chemical processes in biological settings and make new discoveries to build on our understanding of the world we share, and apply that knowledge to improve the quality of life so that each and every single one of us gets a fair chance at experiencing and enjoying everything that there is to the privilege that is life.
In the future, I hope to conduct research on a broad list of subjects including synthesis, drug development, genetics, diabetes, etc. Ultimately, I aspire to gain knowledge from all sorts of fields like biochemistry, human anatomy, molecular biology, climate change, and nanotechnology, and I wish to combine ideas from these fields to further develop the quality of life for all. Additionally, I'm interested in the preservation of wildlife and the environment because plants and animals live in the same world that we do, and it's not right that we as humans harm them in the many ways that we do.
Faculty Mentor: Ted Wilson