Sriram Jayabal
Sriram Jayabal is currently appointed as a postdoctoral research associate in the department of neurobiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine under the supervision of Prof. Jennifer Raymond. He received his Bachelor of Technology in Biotechnology in India and moved to McGill University in Canada for his graduate study. At McGill, he studied the cerebellar pathophysiology that underlies the manifestation and progression of spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 under the supervision of Dr. Alanna Watt. Fascinated with the cerebellum, a region which is now known to play diverse functional roles, he moved to the Raymond lab at Stanford to study how cerebellum implements learning. Specifically, in collaboration with Prof. Nicholas Melosh at the department of materials science and engineering, he is exploring the neurobiological underpinnings of meta-learning (the ability to learn to learn) at the molecular, cellular, and systems level by taking advantage of the experimentally and analytically tractable oculomotor cerebellum.