Syamantak Payra
Syamantak (he/him) is a PhD student in Electrical Engineering in Professor Todd Coleman's group. As an undergraduate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he majored in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science with minors in both Public Policy and Entrepreneurship & Innovation. With prior research spanning multiple disciplines - including technologies ranging from nanomaterial solar panel coatings to digital spacesuits - Syamantak is interested in creating new biomedical tools that can help provide physiological assistance, facilitate the diagnosis of illnesses and accelerate rehabilitation of the human body. In his graduate work, he aims to develop new forms of bio-digital interfaces for more effective medical devices and healthcare interventions, especially towards improving our ability to understand and treat the nervous system and brain. Syamantak is also passionate about broadening the reach of STEM education and is engaged with multiple initiatives to teach and empower underserved communities through scientific research.