Seed Grants catalyze collaborations between researchers from across the university for innovative, collaborative research projects in the neurosciences.
Funded Seed Grant projects
Enabling faster and more responsive voltage imaging through computational biophysics
Ultrasonic neural control and neuroimaging in the awake, mobile, and behaving small rodent
We propose to design a lightweight, wearable system for integrated ultrasonic drug uncaging and fUS neuroimaging to noninvasively pharmacologically modulate a brain target and then image the resultant changes in neural activity without significant motion limitations.
In vivo selection for gene mutations that counteract photoreceptor degeneration
Quantifying auditory-vocal affect in human social communication
This proposal brings together faculty with this diverse expertise to develop the first gold standard test of auditory-vocal affect. Once developed, validated, and normed, we will deploy this test in the clinical context of autism to quantify impairments and direct neurobiological investigation.
Inflammation, Major Histocompatibility Class I and human brain development
Maternal infection is linked to increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and schizophrenia. This proposal examines how virus-associated cytokines, specifically interferons, affect human neurons modeled in brain organoids or studied directly in fetal brain samples.