The Stanford Neuroscience Microscopy Service (NMS) is a university service center founded in 2007 to provide microscopy expertise and access to high-resolution, state-of-the-art imaging technologies to Stanford University and surrounding academic and biotech researchers.
Our facilities are centrally located at the Stanford Neuroscience Building and Lorry I. Lokey Stem Cell Research Building, both conveniently accessible via a 5-10 minute walk from the nearby School of Medicine, School of Engineering, and School of Humanities and Sciences.
Dr. Gordon Wang is the Director of the NMS and faculty in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. He is responsible for the strategic planning and execution of the NMS's long-range objectives. He also oversees the day-to-day management and operation of the NMS. Dr. Wang reports directly to the director of Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute (Kang Shen) and the associate director for Neurosciences Community Labs (Tim Doyle).
The NMS works closely with the Cell Sciences Imaging Facility (CSIF). Together the NMS and the CSIF form a unified Optical Microscopy Group that serves, educates, and advances optical microscopy at Stanford.
Our Services
We offer:
- Confocal, light-sheet, super-resolution, widefield and two-photon imaging
- Fully supported imaging and training
- Complete experimental guidance from experimental implementation to data analysis
- Full-service data collection
Learn more about our services and technology
Get in touch to initiate a project
NMS Director
Neuroscience Microscopy Service director
NMS Faculty Advisory Committee
Michael Lin, Associate Professor of Neurobiology and of Bioengineering
Kang Shen, Vincent V.C. Woo Director of the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
Gary Steinberg, Bernard and Ronni Lacroute-William Randolph Hearst Professor in Neurosurgery and Neurosciences
Jennifer L. Raymond, Berthold and Belle N. Guggenheim Professor of Neurobiology
John Huguenard, Professor of Neurology
Robert Malenka, Nancy Friend Pritzker Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Sarah Heilshom, Director of Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (GLAM), Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Gordon Wang, Director of Neuroscience Microscopy Service, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Tim Doyle, Associate Director of Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute's Neurosciences Community Labs
Stephen J Smith, Emeritus Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Meritorious Investigator at the Allen Institute for Brain Science
Yi Zuo, Professor of MCD Biology, UC Santa Cruz