Diversity Statement

The Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute believes diversity, inclusion, equity and belonging are essential to the advancement of science and to the development of a vibrant intellectual community. Research conducted in the absence of diversity and inclusion of all people and their ideas slows the pace of science and our ability to treat diseases and improve lives.

The disparities produced by the history of exclusion of certain groups from science, on the basis of race, gender, sexuality or socioeconomic background, persist today, and it is our duty to commit to ending these injustices. We, the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute, strive to correct these inequities, and our work is far from done. We commit to implementing changes within our organization to produce and sustain equity for historically underrepresented groups.

We call upon ourselves and our community to reevaluate all components of the institute, including our research, programs, staff, leadership structures, and hiring practices—to identify ways that we can ensure that all voices are heard and all have equitable access to resources. We welcome and look forward to engagement with all of the Wu Tsai community as part of our evaluation and prioritization processes.

— The Executive Committee of the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute


Learn more about our Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging, Equity and Justice (DIBEJ) activities >>

Wu Tsai Neuro funding applications have a new section on goals for promoting DIBEJ principles

The Wu Tsai Neuro Executive Committee acknowledges that we are in a time of needed social change. We aim for Wu Tsai Neuro to be a leader in advancing Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging, Equity and Justice (DIBEJ) in neuroscience. 

The information below is intended to help applicants think about how to continue to make our institute and campus more inclusive, welcoming, and diverse, as well as to help craft their diversity statements. Grant applicants may be new to discussions and practices about DIBEJ and may feel ill-equipped to make needed changes. By adding a diversity statement to our funding application requirements, we aim to start a conversation about these topics and to develop the institute’s capacity to support everyone as we make strides together in developing inclusive research environments.

All Wu Tsai Neuro funding applicants will be invited to submit a short statement (approximately one page) in response to the prompt below:

Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute is committed to diversifying neurosciences both intellectually and in continuing to grow and support our community of diverse individuals. 

Describe your team members' goals for increasing diversity, inclusion, belonging, equity and justice at Stanford, and how you plan to move toward those goals. We will ask reviewers to consider the potential impact and likelihood of success of your plan as one component of their review.

An effective diversity statement might demonstrate:

  • Knowledge about DIBEJ.
  • A track record in advancing DIBEJ.
  • Plans for advancing DIBEJ.

Engagement in diversity may occur at several levels:

  • At the personal level of the individual team members.
  • Within the labs of member faculty or across the collective labs of the collaborators.
  • At the broader level of Stanford University or beyond.

Tips for a successful statement:

  • Be authentic about where you are in your knowledge about DIBEJ. Create a plan that increases your awareness, no matter where you are starting from. 
  • Think about all aspects of diversity, inclusion, belonging, equity and justice. Even if your goals don't address each of these areas, know how these areas are unique and in which of them you might look to grow in future years. 
  • Consider mechanisms to share your learning on DIBEJ with other faculty. 

Learn more:

To learn more about diversity and ways to advance it, we recommend these Anti-Racism resources from the Office of Faculty Development, Diversity and Engagement and initiatives such as the IDEAL pedagogy program from the Stanford Center for Teaching and Learning.