Browse wide-ranging research at the frontiers of neuroscience supported by Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute grants, awards, and training fellowships.
Characterizing Goal-driven Dynamics Underlying Naturalistic Behavior
Understanding how the brain drives behavior is a key goal of neuroscience. Traditionally, the field has focused on simple behaviors, but recent research is shifting towards more naturalistic paradigms, such as navigation and foraging. This opens up exciting possibilities for studying natural behaviors and uncovering the neural mechanisms underlying them.
Clinical translation of novel PET radiotracers for mapping innate immune activation in CNS diseases (Renewal)
Development of a novel compact, portable, ruggedized transcranial magnetic stimulation device
Dynamic acetylcholine regulation in flexible learning and restorative interventions in Parkinson’s disease
Early Entorhinal-Hippocampal Vulnerability and Recovery in Alzheimer's Disease
EEG-IntraMap: Accessible deep brain insight for precision depression care
Depression affects over 300 million people worldwide, yet current treatments are often based on trial-and-error, with only one-third of patients improving with their first medication. Our team has developed EEG-IntraMap, an innovative software platform that transforms standard EEG recordings into precise measurements of deep brain activity.
Mapping Synaptic Proteomes during Learning and Memory Consolidation Using Proximity Labeling
Achieving proficiency in a specific task requires persistent practice and training. One of the most intriguing questions in neuroscience asks how such continuous engagement enables the brain to remember and retain new skills or memories effectively.
Observing axonal transport with molecular resolution on molecular timescales
Neurons are cells that electrically transmit information about our surroundings to the brain, process that information in the brain, and transmit instructions for action to the rest of the body. Just like electrical cables, they are long and thin. To function properly, a neuron must move nutrients, waste, and organelles along its length.
Oncogene-Directed Virotherapy for Brain Cancer
Despite advancements in cancer treatment, the prognosis for brain cancer patients remains poor. Glioblastoma multiforme, the most aggressive type of brain tumor, is driven by genetic mutations and overexpression of growth-promoting receptors.
Programmatic Activation of the Neurodegenerative TREM2 Pathway by TCIP1
The role of mechanosensitive ion channel Piezo1 in glaucoma pathophysiology
The role of the frontotemporal dementia gene product Progranulin in the homeostasis of the neurodegeneration- associated lipid Bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate
Thermosensory Control of Multimodal Behavioral Adaptation and Optimization
Temperature is a significant factor that impacts all living organisms’ behavior and physiology. With climate change driving significant shifts in environmental temperatures, it is crucial to understand the mechanism by which animals adjust their behaviors to cope with these changes.
A synthetic ultrasound neural interface for non-invasive and spatiotemporally precise chemogenetic and pharmacological neuromodulation
Controlling brain activity using chemicals and drugs is instrumental in neuroscience research, but current delivery methods for these compounds are imprecise. A proposed synthetic neural interface will allow for more controlled chemical and drug release by using ultrasound to precisely penetrate neural tissue.
AI to model and boost brain repair and resilience during aging
This team aims to use the power of artificial intelligence to make new findings about brain aging, with the goal of boosting brain repair and resilience. They are particularly interested in spatial changes in the brain during aging. Their goal is to understand how aging renders the brain susceptible to injuries that accentuate neurodegenerative diseases.
Assessing the feasibility of an autologous cell/gel therapy for spinal cord injury
This team has developed a new therapy for patients with spinal cord injury, involving injection into the spinal cord of patient-derived stem cells within an engineered protective gel. They will use their Neuroscience:Translate award to further test and develop this novel therapy in preparation for first-in-human clinical trials.
Assessing whether inhibitory rTMS improves brain pathology and language function in Self-limited Epilepsy with Centro-temporal Spikes (SeLECTS)
This team will use their Koret pilot grant award to study if language difficulties in children with epilepsy are caused by excessive connectivity in the brain. The team previously found that elevated connectivity is associated with poorer language, and that inhibitory transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can reduce connectivity.
Assessment of MAP4K4 in regulating tumor cell invasion in a preclinical model of pediatric high-grade glioma
Pediatric high-grade gliomas (pHGGs) carry a poor prognosis with limited therapeutic options. This is in part due to the highly invasive behavior of malignant glioma cells, which infiltrate into normal brain parenchyma where they are inaccessible to surgical intervention and are poised to drive tumor recurrences.
Biomarkers of awareness and response to treatment in obsessive-compulsive disorder (BARTOC): Implementing EEG-based biomarkers of cognitive control in a pilot study of nitrous oxide inhalation vs placebo in OCD
This project is focused on developing EEG-based measures of cognitive control and conflict processing in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). OCD is characterized by recurrent, intrusive, and distressing thoughts, and patients are often limited by rigid, inflexible behavioral routines as well as poor clinical insight into their illness.
Brain response to influenza virus infection in the lung
The immune system is subjected to neuroendocrine regulation and control by the brain. One such example is the induction of glucocorticoid (GC) in infectious diseases. GC is synthesized and released by the adrenal glands via the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal gland (HPA) axis which is initiated from the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN).
Clinical translation of a new PET radiotracer for mapping innate immune activation in multiple sclerosis and other neurodegenerative diseases
This team recently identified a selective biomarker of inflammation-promoting immune cells in the central nervous system. They will use their Neuroscience:Translate award to develop non-invasive molecular imaging strategies to distinguish between harmful (pro-inflammatory) and helpful (anti-inflammatory) immune cells in patients with Multiple sclerosis (MS).
Clinically translating ultrasonic CSF clearing to enhance brain resilience
Recent data suggest that increased circulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to clear the brain and spinal cord of waste is associated with improved outcomes in aging and recovery from brain injury, suggesting that inducing CSF clearing could enhance brain resilience. However, a therapeutic modality for directly inducing CSF clearing has not been available.
Convergence of signals for pruning at a synaptic receptor implicated in Alzheimer's disease
Memories are stored at synapses and circuits, which tragically are pruned and deconstructed in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Genetic mutations including APP generate high levels of soluble oligomeric beta amyloid (oAbeta42), leading to insoluble beta amyloid plaques—hallmarks of late-stage disease. Clinical trials have designed "plaque-busting" drugs assuming that plaques cause disease.
Creating a pharmacologic stroke recovery therapy
This team has identified a promising protein-based therapeutic to improve stroke recovery. The team will use the Neuroscience:Translate award to identify key components of this protein to maximize its therapeutic potential for stroke treatments.