Meet the 2023 Wu Tsai Neuro interdisciplinary graduate fellows
The Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute welcomes the 2023 Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellowships (SIGFs) in the neurosciences.
These students exemplify the Institute’s mission to cultivate the next generation of neuroscience leaders. Through collaborative efforts, they will use new approaches to address interesting questions in the field.
Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellows (SIGF)
The 2023 Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellowship (SIGF) program provides graduate students with the resources to conduct innovative, cross-disciplinary research. Supported by Wu Tsai Neuro, Bio-X, and Sarafan ChEM-H, this competitive, university-wide program awards three-year fellowships to outstanding doctoral students engaged in interdisciplinary research.
Han Cui
David L. Sze and Kathleen Donohue Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellow
Materials Science and Engineering
Emma Theisen
Thomas A. and Bridget R. Barket Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellow
Hannah Field
Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellow (Anonymous Donor)