NeuroVision Initiative

Our Vision

The NeuroVision Initiative at Stanford aims to develop new technologies that will enable neuroscientists to see things that were previously invisible. The goal is to forge an inter- disciplinary collaboration between physicists, biologists, chemists, and translational medical scientists by inventing new ways of visualizing the brain, from individual molecules to neuronal circuits to entire brain regions, from a normally functioning neuron to a diseased brain. The Initiative aims to establish a laboratory that will allow the NeuroVision collaboration to not only develop new imaging technologies at all levels, but also to enable all types of neuroscience labs at Stanford to take advantage of these technologies for advancing our understanding of the brain. The laboratory can help disseminate potentially revolutionary technologies in the Stanford neuroscience community.


Project Details

Funding Type:

Big Ideas in Neuroscience Award

Award Year:


Lead Researcher(s):

Team Members:

Axel Brunger (Molecular and Cellular Physiology)
Lu Chen (Neurosurgery)
Thomas Clandinin (Neurobiology)
Jun Ding (Neurosurgery)
Xiaoke Chen (Biology)
Bianxiao Cui (Chemistry)
Shaul Hestrin, PhD (Comparative Medicine)
Mark Horowitz (Electrical Engineering)
Michael Lin (Pediatrics)
Stephen Quake (Bioengineering / Applied Physics)
Kang Shen (Biology)