Funded Projects

Browse wide-ranging research at the frontiers of neuroscience supported by Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute grants, awards, and training fellowships.

Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
Interdisciplinary Scholar Award
Restoring vision with epiretinal prostheses

Millions of people are blind, yet we still don’t have the technology to satisfactorily restore vision. I aim to create a prosthetic device to do so. This device can be implanted in the eyes of a blind patient, resting on a tissue layer called the retina.

Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
Interdisciplinary Scholar Award
Improving BCI generalizability with multi-task modeling and autocalibration

Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are systems that enable using neural activity to control and interact with external devices. For people who lose the ability to move or speak due to injury or disease, BCIs provide a potential avenue to restore this loss of function.

Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
Funded research
The contribution of temporal dynamics of visual processing to developmental dyslexia: a steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) study

Fang Wang has been developing novel steady-state EEG techniques to reveal the underlying neural dynamics involved in the acquisition of reading skills in children. She will use the Koret award to extend her findings in typically developing children to children with dyslexia, illustrating how cortical challenges in the temporal dynamics of visual processing can contribute to dyslexia.

Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
Seed Grant
Massively parallel microwire arrays for deep brain stimulation
We will engineer next generation bundled microwires deep brain stimulation using microwires that are thinner than human hair. We will use a small LED display to deliver patterned stimulation by ‘playing a video’ on the display chip, where each pixel is connected to a microwire.
Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
Big Ideas in Neuroscience Award
Stanford NeuroTechnology Initiative (Phase 2)

Our goal is to develop the next generation of neural interfaces that match the resolution and performance of the biological circuitry. We will focus on two signature efforts to spearhead the necessary advances: high-density wire bundles for electrical recording and stimulation, and analog and digital bi-directional retinal prostheses for restoration of vision.

Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
Interdisciplinary Scholar Award
Investigation of synapse formation by novel nanoscale imaging techniques

Synaptic junctions linking individual neurons constitute the fundamental building blocks of our brain. Understanding their inner working is crucial to unravel the mechanisms by which our brain processes information. However, imaging structures at a relevant sub-synaptic level is challenging and has often hampered advances in neuroscience.

Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
Interdisciplinary Scholar Award
Enabling cell-based therapy of spinal cord injury through injectable hydrogels

Spinal cord injury (SCI) causes permanent damage to about 12,000 new patients in the US each year, primarily young adults. A common result of SCI is paralysis, and unfortunately, less than 1% of SCI patients have full neurological recovery by the time of hospital discharge.

Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
SIGF - Graduate Fellowship
Understanding cellular responses induced by chronic implantation of electrodes using a novel human neural differentiation platform

Electrodes implanted in the brain have great potential, with applications in neurodegenerative disease, brain-computer interfaces, and more. However, the presence of electrodes in brain tissue causes a response known as gliosis, in which a scar forms around the electrode, reducing its effectiveness and access to neurons.

Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
SIGF - Graduate Fellowship
Engineering versatile deep neural networks that model cortical flexibility

In the course of everyday functioning, animals (including humans) are constantly faced with real-world environments in which they are required to shift unpredictably between multiple, sometimes unfamiliar, tasks. But how brains support this rapid adaptation of decision making schema, and how they allocate resources towards learning novel tasks is largely unknown both neuroscientifically and algorithmically.

Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
Seed Grant
Remote and localized neural activation using sonomagnetic stimulation
This proposal aims to develop a new modality of noninvasive neural stimulation, sonomagnetic stimulation, that can generate an electrical current focused in a small volume deep in neural tissue, a goal not possible with any existing method of neurostimulation.
Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
Research Accelerator Award
The neural prosthetics translational laboratory
Our research focuses on the twin goals of investigating fundamental principles of human neuroscience and translating laboratory insights into clinically viable assistive devices for people with paralysis.
Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
Interdisciplinary Scholar Award
Discovering new volitionally-controllable neural degrees-of-freedom for neural prostheses

A top priority for people with paralysis is reach and grasp ability. Technologies such as robotic arm prostheses or electrically stimulating paralyzed muscles can meet this need. Existing methods rely on the remaining muscles, are unintuitive and require laborious sequences of simple commands. Reading out a patient’s desired movement directly from their brain could overcome these limitations.

Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
SIGF - Graduate Fellowship
Deep brain microstimulation for memory recovery

Yi Lui's project aims to use deep brain microstimulation (DBMS), which causes even less brain damage and has higher spatial resolution than DBS, for memory recovery.

Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
SIGF - Graduate Fellowship
Synaptic rules and circuit architectures for learning from feedback

Dr. Brandon Jay Bhasin will use engineering principles from modern control theory, experimental neuroscience and computational neuroscience to significantly advance understanding of how feedback driven plasticity in a tractable neural circuit is orchestrated across multiple synaptic sites and over various timescales so that circuit dynamics are changed to improve performance.