Seed Grants Program


Our Seed Grants program sparks new collaborations between scientists from across the University to engage in innovative, collaborative research projects in the neurosciences. 

Seed grant research projects should involve at least two independent co-PI's who combine their expertise in an innovative fashion to address important problems in basic and clinical neuroscience.

We encourage applications from teams forming unique connections between neuroscience and other bastions of disciplinary strength at Stanford: 

  1. engineering and the quantitative sciences
  2. chemical and molecular biology
  3. the social sciences, humanities and professional schools of education, law and business

Applying for Seed Grants

Seed Grant competitions occur every two years. Awards of $300,000 each ($150,000/year for two years) are awarded to up to five research teams. 

Funded Seed Grant projects

Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
Seed Grant
Magnetic Recording and Stimulation of Neural Tissue

We propose a new magnetic sensor that is sensitive to picoTesla-scale fields, a localized magnetic stimulator with small form-factor, and a seamless integration of both systems for applications in experimental and clinical neuroscience.

Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
Seed Grant
Creating an advanced transgenic animal model of autism

Autism is a highly genetic developmental brain disorder which is characterized by social impairments. Autism affects 1 in 68 US children, with an annual cost in the US of $250 billion dollars. Unfortunately, the basic biology of autism remains poorly understood.

Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
Seed Grant
Mapping the Mitophagy Network in Parkinson’s Disease

We will comprehensively define the gene network associated with mitochondrial dysfunction in Parkinson's disease using a cutting-edge technology, CRISPR, to understand how these nerve cells die in PD and how we can reverse the cell death to treat the disease.